Thursday, November 30, 2006

spokeo-- cool website i thought i would design one like this is a ajax based website that i wish i would create one like this.

Easily adding comment to sites allows easily adding comments to the site

It may not be a multi-million dollar venture-backed startup, but Lev Walkin has an elegant solution to a common feature of the social web, commenting. JS-Kit is an entirely free little javascript embed that allows you to add threaded comments to any web page in one line:

JS-Kit works by running Lev’s javascript code, which along with the website’s referral, fetches the appropriate comment data from his server. The comments are fully customizable by CSS and multiple comment instances can be displayed on the same referring URL by changing the “path” attribute of the comment. That way you could have a photo page with unique comment threads for each picture. However, while JS-Kit allows for a lot of customization, it still lacks some of the more advanced administrative features of fully integrated comments, such as those of our Wordpress blog.

Lev Walkin is a Cisco Security Engineer out of Santa Clara, and originally came up with the idea as a way to help he wife, a web designer, easily add comments to her sites.

Feel free to test the script after the jump…

Note: JS-Kit will forward comments from your thread to your email if you provide it.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

free snap preview

One thing people really like about the Snap search engine is that it gives a large preview screen of every search result. The idea is that users can save time by seeing the site before they click to it. That can be an advantage when wading through increasingly sophisticated SEO and spoof sites that aren’t relevant to your search. Snap has 300 million stored site images, updated regularly, and adds new ones as unique searches are performed. The search engine is now serving up to 50,000 searches per day.

Last week they launched Snap Preview Anywhere, a free service that lets any site owner add previewing technology to their sites. When installed, every link on the site (internal links are optional) will show a preview of the linked site when a viewer hovers over the link. To see how it works, hover over the “Try Snap Preview Anywhere here” link near the top of this page. Snap Product Evangelist Jason Fields and Business Development executive Joseph Sarmiento gave me a demo of Snap Preview Anywhere at the Web 2.0 Summit last week.

The preview optionally includes a Snap search box, and large partners are eligible to negotiate a revenue share with Snap based on usage. For others, having the preview functionality will be incentive enough.

Someone has already created a wordpress plugin for the functionality as well, which makes installation easier.

Since launching a few days ago, Snap reports that 500 sites have integrated the functionality and 70,000 page previews have been created. Note related services Browster and Cooliris, which users can integrate into their browser to view page previews for certain links on any


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

widgets to your site

Everyone’s got a “widget strategy.” There are widget marketplaces (see WidgetBox, LabPixies and Wigipedia), widget blogs (see WidgetLab and Widgetoko). There was a whole conference on widgets earlier this month.

This sites provide kool widgets which can be added to your sites

30boxes is a kool online calendar site to maintain our schedules. it also provides widgets so that v can add that in our sites.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ajax based spread sheet application

Google acquires an Ajax based spread sheet online site named it is cool

Saturday, November 11, 2006 is a Flash-based customizable homepage product that will compete for users with a number of similar products that use Ajax. It has several features like organizing in tabs and youtube videos, mail pops etc.
It is good.

Friday, November 10, 2006

1video conference provides an open source online videoconferencing, voice and text chatting facility on our websites. It is in its alpha stage. is an ajax based website to create personal or professional websites with lots of drag and drop interface but still in its beta version.
It looks really very cool

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Amberjack is a simple and easy way to put up quick tours of your website without needing any programming knowledge. It’s a lightweight open source project, but I think it’s something readers here are likely to find useful. Remember how much everyone loved the Scrybe demo on YouTube? Well if you’re not the screen cast type, Amberjack could be a fast, easy way for you to set up a tour of your site.

You provide the URLs you want to include in your tour, select a skin for your narrative boxes and determine what all the button text and links will be for the interface. The tour wizard then provides a code snippet that you place in the template of your website and code for a button to launch the tour.

Geesee chat is about providing chat on our sites. but it sucks in linux both on firefox and opera